Friday, September 11, 2020

From 5G to the cloud: what technology trends will be relevant in the near future

AI: a new kind of service

On the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming one of the major technological advances. However, most AI applications are still destined to be a service provider: like any advanced technology, it is still too expensive for companies to build their own systems on. Already existing platforms from Microsoft, Google and Amazon have too general settings, so in 2020 numerous providers are expected to hone applications for narrower profiles of specific organizations, which means that AI can no longer be ignored by any sane company.

At the same time, more and more users and companies are asking questions about digital ethics of decision-making using AI, as well as ensuring the confidentiality of personal data and corporate information. As a result, laws are being introduced around the world to establish basic rules for organizations, such as the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The most important points in them are openness and transparency, requiring the development of concepts such as AI-based management with explanatory power. According to Gartner, 30% of government orders and contracts of large companies for the purchase of AI products and services by 2025 will require explanatory ability and analysis of the ethics of AI decisions.

In 2020, companies will have to focus on following new technological and ethical trends that will have a huge impact on the further transformation of digital infrastructure computer science vs engineering

5G: competition for speed

5G wireless networks are not new in themselves: in 2019, residents of large cities could already use them. However, a real coup is expected in 2020: speed will skyrocket and tariffs will drop to the ground. 5G networks will support 1,000x bandwidth increases, connections for at least 100 billion devices, and a personalized 10Gbps user experience with extremely low latency and response times, Huawei said. The rollout of these networks, according to Huawei's forecast, will continue until 2030. But despite the bright future of 5G networks, China has already begun developing sixth generation networks. Completion of development is scheduled for 2030. Regardless of how long a given generation of networks is given, the increased throughput will allow machines to

Drones: driving without obstacles

The idea of ​​drones on the roads can hardly surprise anyone, but what has so far been massively used only in science fiction films seems to be starting to come into our reality. More recently, Waymo, a subsidiary of Google, completed trials of autonomous taxis in California, where in the first month the robocars carried more than 6,200 people. Tesla CEO Elon Musk promises to complete the creation of the wonder car this year. In his opinion, a million or two drones will appear on the roads in a year and a half. Systems will become more automated and not directly related to driving, such as safety and entertainment functions, which will depend on data collection and analysis. Obviously, the legislation will have to be rewritten before the robocars become available for use.

Personalized and predictive medicine: one-two, get up!

The ability to collect data from wearable devices will transform the healthcare landscape. Devices like smartwatches are increasingly making it possible to predict and treat human health problems even before any symptoms appear. Thanks to breakthroughs in genomics and AI, data has become possible to understand how much better or worse an individual's body is adapted to resist specific diseases, as well as how effective certain recommendations will be for him. 2020 will see the introduction of more personalized and effective treatments.

Computer vision: why does a person need a "third eye"?

In computer terminology, "vision" refers to systems capable of identifying objects, places, objects or people in images by correlating the data collected by the camera with a database from the cloud. It is this technology that is used by the image search function in Google and Yandex search engines, it was with its help that Apple's FaceID provided control over access to smartphones. In 2020, computer vision will penetrate everywhere: production lines will use cameras to monitor faulty products and track equipment failures, and security cameras themselves will be able to warn about anything unusual, without requiring 24/7 monitoring. Along with the growing popularity of the technology, the number of disputes over restrictions on its use due to potential privacy breaches will increase this year.

Augmented Reality: Behind PokemonGo

Augmented Reality (XR) encompasses several technologies related to virtual, augmented and mixed reality. Virtual reality (VR) means entering a world entirely created by a computer, augmented reality (AR) superimposes digital objects on the real world through screens or displays of smartphones (like Snapchat filters), mixed reality (MR) is an extension of AR, when where users can interact with digital objects placed in the real world (for example, play a holographic piano placed in a room using an AR headset).

The problem is that throughout the lifetime of these technologies, their use has been largely limited to the entertainment industry. In 2020, a paradigm shift is expected: companies will have access to a huge number of exciting opportunities offered by both of the current forms of XR: training, modeling, new ways of interacting with customers.

Blockchain: making ends meet

This technological trend is still not quite clear for companies that are not into digital technologies. However, in 2020 the situation may change. Blockchain will reduce costs, shorten transaction times and improve cash flow, thereby ensuring trust, transparency and exchange of experience between business companies. Thanks to the blockchain, partners unfamiliar with each other will be able to interact in a digital environment without risks to the business, allowing the participants in the chain to trace assets to the moment they arise. By tracing a supplier of raw materials, it is possible to find out the cause of a foodborne illness without contacting regulatory authorities. Smart city and IoT systems, claims processing automation, and internal and joint accounting will be the most effective areas for this technology to be implemented.

In the next three years, 60% of CIOs plan to implement blockchain in some form, and by 2023 the blockchain will be scalable, predicts Gartner. If investments by companies such as Walmart and Mastercard show real results soon, blockchain will penetrate smaller organizations as well.

Edge Computing: Beyond Reality

Transferring computations to the interface between the virtual and physical world will play a huge role in increasing the efficiency and responsiveness of computations. Centralized infrastructures turned out to be strategically disadvantageous: examples of failures of Yandex, Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram indicate the great vulnerability of such systems. When the computing power is evenly distributed, the IT architecture is amazingly flexible, the level of security increases, and the cost of computing at the edge decreases. Gartner estimates that by 2022, 75% of all data generated will be created and processed outside of a centralized data center or cloud. So, at the end of 2019, Hitachi Vantara introduced Lumada Data Services, a set of software services that provide cost-effective management of structured and unstructured data assets in data centers. cloud and edge structures. With the new suite of software and proven Lumada Edge Intelligence hardware peripherals, organizations can manage data and analytics at the edge of the network for IoT-connected devices as well as remote and disconnected sites and branches. Gartner predicts that at least some POS services will be provided by most cloud service platforms by 2024.

Multimodal interaction and democratization of IT

One of the main trends in the coming years will be multimodal interaction with clients, which will be able to replace literate IT users with a platform that covers virtual and augmented reality technologies, mobile devices, web channels and conversational interfaces. According to Gartner, at least a third of companies will implement this platform by the end of this year. Design and visualization of products, service and technical support, training and modeling are promising for its implementation.

This trend supports the idea of ​​democratizing technology, the meaning of which is to simplify the work with technological systems. So, developers will be able to generate data models using development tools equipped with artificial intelligence for code generation and test automation, without going into the technological nuances known to the professional data analyst. First of all, the trend of democratization is aimed at freeing up time and effort spent on training personnel. People will still be needed to solve more complex problems and develop the technologies themselves, but this work will be much less: Gartner forecasts assure that by 2024 low-code application development will provide more than 65% of the total volume of applied development.

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