Friday, August 28, 2020

NT-Docker Course: Containerization and Management

Everything you wanted to know about Docker but were afraid to ask. Training Center "Networking Technologies" launches a new author's course on working with the Docker software platform in November!

The NT-Docker course is designed for engineers and developers who have a basic knowledge of Docker containerization and want to gain hands-on knowledge of the toolkit.  

The main topics covered by the NT-Docker course are: aws certified solutions architect salary

building image using Dockerfile;

launching containers;

work with Docker Hub and local registry;

fixing vulnerabilities and updating the Docker image;

networking in Docker, interaction of applications in containers;

Docker Swarm clustering system;

monitoring Docker containers using Advisor and Prometheus.

Note! For effective teaching on the course, students must have the following knowledge and skills:

have experience with Linux;

possess basic skills and knowledge in the field of network technologies;

have the skills and experience to support cloud solutions such as Amazon cloud.

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