Monday, August 17, 2020

Why storing your data abroad is right

This year, the pressure on business has increased significantly. In the last few months alone, such large IT companies as Intertelecom,,, as well as many smaller market players have suffered. At the same time, contrary to the law, in almost every case, the seizure of servers occurs, which for a long time disrupts all business processes of the company, breaks the infrastructure, especially if the local servers contained data important to maintain operability suport tech.

Obviously, the intensity of such actions will only grow, and the danger hangs not only over those who violate something, but also over completely honest businesses that work according to all the rules. After all, until it is proven that the company is not at fault, and the court decides to return the equipment, you can lose all customers, lose orders and personnel. The only effective way out in this situation is the transition to the cloud. In this case, attacks on the IT infrastructure become meaningless - all important data is stored on remote servers, ideally outside the country.

Benefits of moving business data to the cloud

The physical remoteness of servers is not the only plus that cloud technologies provide to businesses. With the right organization, the cloud provides ample opportunities for a fundamentally new construction of business processes in a company, a new level of freedom for employees and managers. Judge for yourself:

the cloud is cost savings. Instead of purchasing and maintaining a large fleet of equipment and network infrastructure, it is enough to rent certain capacities from a provider (just enough to cover the needs of the company), and to organize the work of an office, you can use terminals or thin clients that are significantly cheaper than conventional workstations. Additional savings - on software, maintenance;

the cloud is the safety of data due to the simple creation of backups. The backup-as-a-service add -on is a handy tool for system administrators to automate the creation of backups of your data. Thanks to this service, the human factor is minimized (for example, the administrator forgot to create a backup in time), and the copies themselves are stored on a reliable remote server. At the same time, backups are available from anywhere in the world, and thanks to the high level of security of the data center, they are reliably protected from force majeure situations;

the cloud is a simple and straightforward expense. With cloud technologies, you can always accurately plan your IT infrastructure costs, since you pay a fixed amount per month and only for the used capacity. No hidden fees, commissions or overpayments;

the cloud is about mobility and freedom. Employees of the company, using cloud solutions, can work from anywhere - from a conference, on a business trip, from home, office, hotel or restaurant. In addition, nothing prevents from creating an international team in which each of the members can work from their own country, and the results will be no worse than if they were all under one roof;

the cloud is scalability. Changing the allocated computing power (for the changed company size and number of employees) is easier than in any other network infrastructure option. For example, during periods of maximum load, you can increase server resources, and when there is no such need, reduce them to save money;

the cloud is reliability. If you choose the right provider, data in the cloud will be protected from all types of threats much better than using local servers. So, for example, we use a data center in Germany to host the servers on the basis of which the Tucha cloud is built, which in terms of security level corresponds to the Tier 3 category. This means that all network, engineering and information components are duplicated and have reserves in case emergencies, and service work is carried out without shutting down servers. The efficiency of the data center is supported by highly qualified technical specialists, and the round-the-clock support service allows you to solve any problems in the shortest possible time.

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